Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Terry and Eric

We're all used to being inundated on a daily basis by football news via TV, websites, twitter and smartphones but the last twenty-four hours has thrown up a couple of biggies.

Firstly, obviously, the return of a man called Terry Henry to a north London based mid-table side.  People who know me will also know I'm not the biggest fan of the frenchman (and not just for the hand incident against Ireland), its not that I don't appreciate how good a player he is since he is undoubtedly one of the greatest players ever to grace the Premier League, theres just something about his particular brand of arrogance that doesn't sit well with me and to a certain extent the hype that surrounds him.  It was without doubt a great moment when he stepped onto the pitch as a replacement for Chamakh, and to then score put every Arsenal fan into dream land but I think that the bigger news broke this morning...the original King is back...and this time, he's running for President!

King Eric, having tried his hand at acting, being director of football for a non-existent team, being the face of Nike advertising campaigns and incase you didn't know, he used to play a bit too, but now Eric Cantona has declared his intention to run for the french presidency...well actually, he's attempting to lobby to get the signatures of 500 French mayors which would qualify him to stand for election to raise the profile of a homeless charity, but this seems to have been widely missed by the press who have instead been musing on his potential policies to tackle the social injustices that the great man sees in France today.  Then again, this is the same man who called for a social revolution in December 2010 by calling on the world to withdraw all of their money from the worlds banks to induce another global financial crisis...needless to say, popular as he may be, I don't think he'd be getting into Sarkozy's office anytime soon.

But in a perfect world, what would Eric's policies be? Mandatory viewing of the Ken Loach film 'Looking for Eric' for all school children (if only for this scene alone...god bless Dennis Irwin), obscure philosophy 101 on the national curriculum, legalise the burkha but only if you have your collar turned up and of course, what president would be without his trusty WMD's...the drop kick,the deft chip and of course the backing of a few old friends.  "Hello? Ah, Mr.Obama, so nice to hear from you...whats that? You're having problems with Iran?...leave it with me, I know a guy called Roy, you could say he's a bit of an acquired taste, but he scared the sh*t out of most people...Brian Clough isn't Iranian is he...no...then we should be just fine".

In the words of the great man..."when seagulls follow the trawlers, its because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea".

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